Gender, Land and Mining in Mongolia - WOLTS Research Report No.1 \January 2018\

MYKovf8aoU6bPv3.jpgThis report is the result of the combined efforts of the WOLTS Mongolia Team.
We acknowledge and thank all those whom we interviewed and shared discussions with during our research in Mongolia between November 2015 and October 2017 – from the Government of Mongolia, civil society and international organisations, the private sector, and all the communities we visited. We deeply appreciate their support for our work, their willingness to participate and their invaluable contributions to helping us learn about gender, land pastoralism and mining in Mongolia today.
We are especially grateful for the engagement and hospitality of the people of Bornuur and Dalanjargalan, our two study communities that feature in this report.
We also thank our team driver during all of our fieldwork in Mongolia, Erdenebat, R., for his warmth, good humour and GPS-like brain.